So, 10% Is Crucial And We Need To Pay Attention.

The upcoming election is going to be a right bastige. The media and the left (but, I repeat myself) are working to smear Trump and Deify Harris. Consequently, given their level of lying and fakery we have a major problem: we cannot fight their slime with slime of our own.

Here’s my proposal: The 11th commandment of Ronald Reagan should be first and foremost in that one must never criticize another Republican in public. I would add to that the concept that attacking weak allies, or recent converts, for not being strong enough to pass your purity test will drive them away and they will either vote for Kennedy or not vote at all. It’s not a strategy that gains a victory for our Republic. Instead, wrap your arms around their 10% support and nourish it to a bigger number. But take their help and shut your yap unless they turn out to be child molesters. We need everyone except hair sniffers on this one. 

Look, not everyone has the blood of Senator Joseph McCarthy flowing through their veins like I do – maybe – but if they don’t want to see the end of our life in a republic, they’re my ally for this round. We can sort out our minor differences later.

So, be nice.

On to truth: we cannot fake memes, use false reports, or twist the words of the left to gain our victory. Simply telling it like it is will win the battle. 

An example is some of the stuff floating around on Walz right now. I despise the creep, and consider him to be #bluefalconwalz. He may have served 24 years in the guard, but the way he left was not particularly honorable. It might have been legal, but not what most vets would do. However, his continuing to lie about his service for all these years is a legit target: he’s a sack of dung with a fake set of chevrons on his challenge coin. But don’t try to frame him up with soundclips that lack context. He’s said plenty on his own to hammer him with. 

Finally, on #TamponTimmy, he let the Twin Cities burn for 3 days. Now, a clip has come out with President Trump praising him on a phone call in the immediate aftermath. Listen to the context of the call. A nation in distress and a president trying to coax better behavior from a guy who screwed the pooch out of the gate. But that’s all it was: an after report once the Guard had gone in and Trump said it was a big improvement over the previous few days when Walz had done nothing. 

Harris is not just unlikable, but a liar who could have impacted all of the policies she’s now proposing in the past 4 years, but instead she was busy not protecting the border and instead hiding Biden’s dementia. Don’t let her off the hook for leading that coup against POTUS.  And while it’s okay to mock her laugh, or her racial changeling status in private, stick to the facts of her horrible record and hammer her on that, not the pantsuits. 

Finally, a note for President Trump:  Good sir, Godspeed. Stick to your policy criticism and leave out the personal. You are a superior leader when you do that work for yourself. You are funny and bright, but the white suburban women think you’re a bully when you criticize on appearance and style. Hammer them for craptacular decisions and policy and you will win this thing. Keep cool, keep strong, keep on topic and I will be watching your inauguration in January.

And, to my fellow patriots: go sign up as poll watchers today. Not tomorrow. If we watch every ballot as it comes in, we can help stop the stop. Bring clickers to count votes, one watcher per machine, etc. But you have no right to bitch if you do not do your part. Get to work!

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Joseph Courtemanche

About Joseph Courtemanche

I'm a conservative Christian author who's been happily married for over 30 years. I am a Veteran of the United States Navy, Naval Security Group. I speak a few languages, I have an absurd sense of humor and I'm proud to be an American.

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