I Think All This Salt Might Be Elevating My Blood Pressure

I’ve finished the coffee and scones and the breakfast extra, and now I’m listening to music on my computer. What was the breakfast extra? Why, a gallon of salty liberal tears. 

The delicious tears are laced with schadenfreude, one of my favorite flavors. Who’s tears? Well, it’s a mix.

The first part of the mix is the flood of “journalist” tears caused by all of the ethnic, religious and sexually unknown speakers at the Republican National Convention. People I’d heard of, people I’d never seen, people totally new to me all came forth to speak about their hopes for the nation and why Donald J. Trump was the guy for them. Not paid shills, not screeching pink-haired misfits who aren’t sure why they’re mad at the world. In other words, people who share my values were on that stage and because they didn’t look like me the press went nuts. Obviously they were traitors because they’d left the holding pen where democrats keep their possessions.

The second wave of tears, an especially tasty blend from across the world, were those of people who had social media post bemoaning the assassins’ missed shot.  

I worked for over 20 years for companies that held you responsible for your social media posts if you were in any way linked to the employer. Even a random comment about where you worked, even if not named, might be enough. If someone might figure out you worked for Zatox Enterprises by your photo taken at your desk, or some vague reference that gave it away, you fell under company disciplinary rules. I worked very hard to never even hint at who I worked for 40 hours a week.

But the fact is, I had another reason: the left would dox you and go after your job if you displeased them. Not that all pink-haired people are bad, because I know at least two who are pretty cool. Nope, it’s because the majority of the bitter misanthropes out there on the left do look that way. I needed that job, and thus my freedom to speak out was suppressed. 

Consequently, when Libs of TikTok (https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok) posts tips on school teachers, nurses, city council members and the random cashier at Home Depot who have expressed their hatred for Trump by cheering on the dweeb who shot him, I love seeing them lose their jobs within a few days. Yup, it’s vindictive as hell. But they made the rules and now they get to live by them. 

The fact is, if you let evil (like rooting for people that try to kill politicians) go unchecked, evil wins. Costing them their job seems fair in that they’ve doxxed and destroyed hundreds of conservatives and Christians for years. I suspect I’ll get a dose as a result of this blog. I’ll save them the trouble: I don’t care and I don’t work for anyone directly. 

And thus, all that extra salt has boosted my blood pressure in a magnificent way. It has transformed me and I am a new creature:

Now, do what I just did: sign up to be a poll watcher and a volunteer to get Donald J. Trump back to the White House. It feels mighty good. 

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Joseph Courtemanche

About Joseph Courtemanche

I'm a conservative Christian author who's been happily married for over 30 years. I am a Veteran of the United States Navy, Naval Security Group. I speak a few languages, I have an absurd sense of humor and I'm proud to be an American.


I Think All This Salt Might Be Elevating My Blood Pressure — 1 Comment