That may not be strictly true. Fact is, we’ll be putting out a special week, or two, of flash fiction the week before Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. For those of you with math and date problems, that will be end of October, end of November, end of December.
In other news, that does not mean you are without hope if you like what we’ve been doing here since March. I’m already recording the audio book for our Covid series – title yet to be locked down – and both Kindle and print versions will be available when we get done. The goal is to have that in your sweaty little hands by Thanksgiving, if not Halloween. We would really love to have you buy copies to give as Christmas gifts. You may have read the stories, but your family and friends likely have not.
Closer to home, Chewy and I have taken to going for a walk several times a week. He’s also really good about riding in the car. Now, if we could just convince him to quit leaving 1/28th of his body hair on my bed every day, we’d be good to go.
It’s been a long, and tense, summer here in the Twin Cities. The pervasive feel of lawlessness has settled in, and the absence of police patrols is palpable. Everything is primed and ready to kick off at the first sign of trouble – and look out when it does. It’s a bad feeling. One I truly despise as a native son of this city. But our feckless local political leadership remains maddeningly silent unless they are telling us to “mask up” or offering a community meeting on climate change. Seriously? The city is in ruins, your police are quitting in droves, and you bozos want to talk about fake science?
See, I can still write about current events. And I plan on doing so in the months to come. Especially after the past 10 days of gaseous eruption from the left about mailboxes. Again, if they could just tie climate change to mailboxes, we would surely find Orange Man Bad behind it all.
I leave you with a picture of a mailbox – – – no I don’t. See, BLM and ANTIFA set them all on fire in my neighborhood and not all of them have been replaced. Donald Trump had nothing to do with my mailbox scarcity. I thought about taking a picture of the one two blocks from my front door, but that one was removed during the presidency of Barrack Hussein Obama.
Guess I’ll just have to email a picture out when I find one.
Which reminds me: I have been reliably told that the email you get with my blog posts does not display well on mobile devices. That is true. It is even more true if there’s any graphic involved. I apologize for that, but there is nothing I can do to change how your browser on a mobile device perceives the email. Instead, just click on the top part of the email where it has Commotion In The Pews, and it should take you to the website. The email displays properly on most computer browsers, but the format Google uses to send out the email version is not mobile friendly.
But I am. Mobile friendly, that is. I love your subscription and thank you for reading my drivel.
Have a great day, and check back soon for some fiction. I promise.