Last week Dr. Paul Bennett brought us the first part of this story. (Click the link to read it.) Today he finishes the tale. I know you’ll enjoy it. I’ve never read anything Paul’s written that wasn’t magnificent. And, so I present An Acre Of Peace – Part 2.
(On a personal note: I planted a grove of pines with a few friends, much like in this story, around 1976 on Arbor Day. Now, 44 years later those little seedlings are many stories tall and magnificent to see every time I drive down that stretch of 35E near Saint Paul. What seemed like a nice morning in the cool air all those years ago, now represents some folks that are old, or passed on. Amazing.)
As always, we thank you for dropping by. A special welcome to the Morons who came from – – you are our people. We hope you’ll visit the other authors who comprise this collection: Paul Bennett, Robert Cely, Derek Elkins, Jamie D. Greening, Kathy Kexel, and Joe Shaw. As always, there’s no fee, we’re doing this to help you pass the time. We do ask that you buy our books/audio books to help pay the freight here. But that’s up to you! Mine are all on the right margin of the blog.