The Two Best Books You Can Buy For Christmas.

The title this day is a bit shameless, because I honestly think my book Nicholas of Haiti, and the book of my dear friend Timothy Moynihan, Prodigal Avenger, are the two best buys this Christmas. 

Now, before you get enraged, and tell me “The Bible is the only book you ever need,” you have to understand that I’m talking about modern Christian fiction. Please put down the knife, I agree on the Bible. But we’re talking about books that heathen like me might enjoy. More importantly, we’re talking about books that I might have enjoyed prior to being born again.

Let’s start with Nicholas of Haiti. Simply stated, it’s a modern retelling of the tale of Saint Nicholas of Myra. I took some minor liberties with it to bring it forward 1700 years, but the story hews remarkably close to his legend. While most do not realize it, Nicholas of Myra became our modern Santa Claus (Saint Nicholas, get it?) and is a vital part of western culture. Outside of the Apostles and Mary, he had more churches named for him than any other saint.

So, Nicholas of Haiti is replete with miracles, a growing spiritual awareness on the part of Nick Bacon, and is written in the style of an action thriller. No dull parts were used in the construction of the book. Ideal for readers seeking a different view on human trafficking, it is designed for church and reading groups with a series of study questions at the end of the book.

All proceeds from the Kindle and paperback sales are being donated to a charity that supports children in Haiti. 

The second book is Prodigal Avenger by Timothy Moynihan. It’s not often that I get excited about a book in the Christian fiction genre. It’s even less often when I get excited by a book written by someone I know seeking an endorsement. (You see, authors bug each other with this kind of favor, and you hate to tell your friend his book stinks.)

I need not have worried: Prodigal Avenger is THE SINGLE BEST MILITARY THRILLER I’VE EVER READ IN CHRISTIAN FICTION. Yes, that was all caps. It is deserved. You see, Moynihan has been there and done that like I have. I’m not claiming anything but having been privileged to have served with the best. Moynihan is the same – but it’s freaking obvious that he’s seen all sorts of nifty/grim things in his years in the military. He’s one of those guys who downplays his Ranger qualification. Let me tell you: it’s nothing to sneeze at, and I could never have completed the training. 

Realistic, funny, great dialogue, plausible scenarios, redemption component, and just great writing. I’ve known Tim for about 5 years, and he’s gone from a guy at a conference seeking his “true north” in the writing world, to a man challenging the top writers in the military fiction genre. 

So, quit messing around and go buy a copy of both books for your friends and relatives. Buy them for your coworkers. Buy them for your church reading group. (Yup, study questions and all. If you get a megachurch to read my book, I will probably come and discuss it with you if you’re anywhere reasonable close to Minnesota – or it’s warm. Definitely if it’s warm for the next 4 months.)

But buy them. And do it now so they arrive before Christmas. You probably should buy both Kindle versions as well so you can read them yourself. That way when the recipient of your gift starts raving about how wonderful they are you can sagely say, “Yes. I know.”

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My second novel, Nicholas of Haiti, is now available. Go fetch your credit card for the Kindle, print, and audio book versions. This is not a sequel to Assault on Saint Agnes, but a unique book in the speculative Christian fiction world.

Audio book cover on the left, Kindle cover on the right.

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