Years ago, my wife and I actually watched broadcast television. This was in the time before cable exploded with so many new networks that you couldn’t keep track of them. We watched a couple of shows semi-regulary, among them Home Improvement, The Simpsons and , and Roseanne
As time went by, life intruded and our tastes shifted to more specialized programming on the cable networks. Part of it was that broadcast television had too many ads, and we didn’t videotape (*there’s a lovely memory*) every show, but would tune in most of the time when it came on. DVR technology has largely obviated that choice.
But, I digress. We found a lot to enjoy with the Conner family, but Roseanne Barr‘s personal life grated. Both my wife and I quit watching her after the National Anthem incident. She finished icing the cake (Pun intended) with her Hitler photoshoot, and Jewish cookies coming out of the oven. (Yeah, I know she’s Jewish, but some things just don’t strike me as funny.)
Her trainwreck of a personal life continued to grow when she outed George Zimmerman’s address, and if there was a chance to offend, she took it. Comedians are notorious attention whores (so are writers who act and are Santa), so I gave her a pass/just ignored it for the most part.
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But I’ll have to admit that I was curious when Roseanne revived her old show, and the clip of her arguing with a late-night vermin about his overwhelming attitude hit the social media channels. A Trump fan? Seriously?
I tuned in on Roseanne with my wife to see if it was a trick. I more than slightly expected to walk away outraged by her behavior.
Nope. Loved it. Loved the second show. Watched them all now, and have the DVR set for her show every Tuesday night.
Will she enrage me and disappoint me down the road? I’m not sure. But with most things in life, you will never find out if you don’t take a few risks.
I like the show because it’s really the America where I, and most of my coworkers, live. Lots of people work paycheck to paycheck. Most have screwed up lives with divorce, weird kids (HI MOM!1!1!!!) and other trauma. That, and the fact that in spite of the things that try to tear us apart every day, the Conner family loves each other. They may not trust each other, but they do love each other. Warts and all.
Also, and this apparently makes liberal’s heads explode, she points out the fact that you aren’t a misogynist, racist, homophobic scumbucket because you don’t vote Democrat. You’re just a person who sees a strong need for change, and supports Americans above others.
And as long as she stays away from baking cookies while wearing a mustache, and skips public singing engagements at sporting events, I’ll continue to watch. And enjoy.
Rock it, @therealroseanne. I’ll be the guy over at @joecourtemanche enjoying your antics.
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