Let’s start with shameless self promotion: click this link and vote for my short story before going any further. While you’re there, a vote for my friend Tamara would be nice as well. We aren’t in competition (I’m fiction/she’s non) and she’s a gifted author. Your voting for us both is a blessing and we appreciate it in advance.
Please follow me on Twitter, and “Like” the Facebook author page. Don’t forget to subscribe (the box is on the right side of the page) to be eligible for free e-books and other benefits!
It’s been quite a while since did any “Joe The Author/Actor” stuff on the blog. Today’s the day. But I promise to finish strong with a spiritual note.
First on the list, the free book you’ve all been waiting for – Spiritual Citizens: A Christian Fiction Anthology. Just click that link for a free electronic copy.
This book contains a short story I did for a flash fiction contest hosted by my friend Charles Short at Christian Flash Weekly.
The first link was to the free pdf. It is meant to be used as a witnessing tool. If you’d like to buy a copy (I am doing it tonight) you can click on this link. I hope you enjoy it.
Second item: Me in my beloved biker persona. Here I’m pitching Simply Potatoes. It’s a nice spot.
I’ve also managed to come in to the semi-final round with two different novels at the American Christian Fiction Writers Genesis contest. That’s kind of a big deal, as I have them in two very different categories. Not often you can pull that off. God’s been working on my writing. It’s paying off. Final round announcement will be made in about two weeks.
Last but not least, I was honored to be the emcee for the Catholic Cemeteries Memorial Day service. I got to talk about my friends, my comrades, and this nation I love. After 10 years I’m very comfortable at the podium. I would like to thank all of the people who attended on a cloudy day. Your remembering my friends means the world to me. God bless you all.
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I have a favor to ask of my readers: would you kindly share this blog with your friends, family, and colleagues? We hit a million views in 2014, and while the readership continues a nice growth trend, it could be a lot better. Just hit the Facebook like button, share it on your timeline, tweet the blog with a link, and tell that person at the next desk that there’s this lunatic who writes about all sorts of stuff that they might like.
I appreciate your help. When we hit 2,000,000 readers I will give away something cool to a drawing from the subscribers (that’s the box on the right toward the top) who have helped promote this mess. No used sheets, probably not honey, more likely gift cards. Be a part of it. I’ll update from time to time where we’re at in the count. Thanks.