Kindly Observe This Urgent Post

Today is about the bazillionth day of really cold weather in Minnesota. Maybe not really cold, not that long, but it’s been a tough winter in every respect. As a result some of the shelters are running low on their resources. More people needing more nights in the shelter, more food, more clothing, etc.

If you find it in your heart, please make a donation to one of your local charities to take care of the homeless. The risk of their freezing to death is very real. Your donation is a blessing to them.

Image unabashedly stolen from

Image unabashedly stolen from

If you don’t know of a charity that could use your help, how about The Union Gospel Mission of Saint Paul? I have worked with them over the years on different projects and found them to be a remarkably good group of people who do their best at every turn.

If you’re short on cash, but live in the Twin Cities, they also take clothing donations. Needless to say, it has to be clean and in good shape. Visit the website and they list what kinds of clothing they need toward the bottom of the donations page.

I just kicked part of my annual tithe that way this morning. It’s amazing what just a few dollars from each of you could accomplish. They do God’s work every day down there.

That is all. Please resume your normal activities.

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