Pockets Full Of Jam.

I wrote about the jam/jelly festival yesterday. Today I’ll elaborate a bit on the title.

First, however, is the new push – subscriptions to the blog. In the relatively near future I will be producing some e-books that will be free to subscribers only. They will be short stories, essays about political doings, and maybe the secret ingredient for the rhubarb-orange – nah. No recipes.

The point is, you will benefit greatly from being a subscriber in the coming months. As in free stuff other people will have to pay for in the long run. So don’t mess around, go to the box below and subscribe now.

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When I got home the other morning I carried in a case of the new jams from the car. I know my limitations (Dirty Harry taught me that much) and so I didn’t even try to balance the extra jars on top of the case. I knew they’d wind up on the garage floor to the horror, cursing, and pouting of one blog writer. So I stuck the spares in my pants pockets.

I laughed when I did it. I just struck me as funny. And then it occurred to me what a blessing it is in this world to have so much good food that you can’t carry it all. You need to stuff it in your pockets.

Pocket bait.

I took a long nap (fine – it was almost 7 hours long, but still a nap) before getting up and pretending to be a human. I worked a bit on the book I’m getting ready for a contest and had a fine conversation with my agent. Hence the push for subscriptions. She’s got a great idea of what to do with the e-books and so the push. I finished the day watching Duck Dynasty on the DVR while eating dirty rice with my wife. Stormy was lounging nearby – she was tuckered out after spending the nap period with me on the bed. Yes, progress.

The point of this ramble is that yesterday I ate well, slept well, worked well, and was well loved by my wife and my dog. You don’t always get that kind of day in the modern era. No real strife, no troubles – just nourishment in many ways.

I spent a bit of the day yesterday praying as well. I knew that my life was on the right track. I made sure that I told God all about how thankful I was for the blessings he had bestowed upon me.

You, as my readers, are one of those blessings. I hope to provide more and better content over the next few months. I will be posting more often some weeks, other weeks you might see something three times. But I’m going to do a bit of this and that to spice the joint up. I hope you’ll subscribe, make yourself eligible for the e-books, and come along for the ride.

Will you be counting your blessings today?

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