That Little Metal Box

This morning I was watching some dreck on the DVR and realized my friend Stormy was giving me the look of a hunted animal. I left what I was doing and laid down next to her on the floor. It was time for a bit of snuggling. She’s still not at ease with me and I’m trying to deepen those bonds.

As I stretched out on the floor next to her it dawned on me that it was a unique perspective on the dining room. I spent some time rubbing her sides and getting dozy. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted an old metal box on the radiator.

The Box

I dismissed it at first, been in that box a million times. But something made me get up and open it again. I’m glad I did.

That box holds the first 5 years of my married life in it, and my entire navy career. I got it when I was a student at DLI and stuffed “things” into it as they came in to my life.

The inventory includes a bunch of snapshots of a 24 year old kid and his girlfriend. They were both skinny, tan, and good looking. I think of myself as Santa these days, but once upon a time I was a young sailor with about 5% body fat (right after basic training) and a pair of shades. They went with the smoke hanging out of my mouth. I’d forgotten what she looked like back then as well. No wonder I fell so crazy in love with that girl.

There were also belt buckles from a few of the submarines I rode. Good memories of those boats, the missions, and the people I served with on those runs.

I also found my original neckerchief. The one that draped around my neck when I was wearing my dress uniform. The one I got married in and stood my first inspections wearing it in defiance of uniform regulations. I never retied it once I got it right. I put twister seals on the back of it so it wouldn’t come undone and cherished it every time I pulled it out of the bag.

There was also a row or two of ribbons from my uniform. I thought I’d lost those. And my Expert Marksman medal.

And a pair of dolphins. I never earned them, never wore them, but Doc on my first boat gave them to me and made me promise that if I did earn them I’d wear this pair.

A few snapshots of my dog, my mom and my new wife hanging out in California, some old postcards, and a sense of history.

I remember some of the thoughts in my mind back then. And I marvel at what I looked like at 24.

And I’m so glad I’m not that kid anymore. Still have the beautiful wife, Mom is still with us, and I’m blessed to have been Saved.

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That Little Metal Box — 1 Comment

  1. So nice, Joe. Wish I were closer I’d give you a big hug for this one. Memories so precious to be cherished forever …