There’s got to be a metaphor here somewhere.

I just went downstairs to do a load of laundry. For the first time in my life I did the following:

I pulled a favorite shirt out of the dryer. It had a collar that was literally falling apart. Decision made, shirt into trash in under 3 seconds. No agonizing, no “gee, maybe I’ll wear it when I clean guns” – or any of my other million reasons for saving it for another round.

Could it be that (shudder) maturity might be creeping up on me now that I’ve passed the 1/2 century mark?

Nah. I wore my bunny ears at work last night. Forgot I had them on. Director’s admin assistant came in this morning and gave me a really funny look. Took me a moment to realize why my cleaning the crock pot out at the sink should draw such a stare.

Have a great weekend.

**this will be included in all posts until further notice. Please subscribe now to Commotion in the Pews and then “like” the Facebook author page. I will be giving away a $100 prize from Walker Farms Honey in May if, and only if, I get 100 new subscribers and 100 new likes to the author page. It stands at 67 today, needs to hit 166 before the prize can be awarded. This helps me when I approach agents and publishers trying to get my books published. Thank you!**

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