The Gospel of Luke tells the whole story of the Christ. It is done in 24 chapters. Consequently, every day in December I will be posting a new chapter of Luke until we get to Christmas. It is my hope that you share this with your friends, church, family and social media.
I hope you will not mind a commercial here before we get to Luke. SPIRITUAL SURVIVAL was written by a friend of mine, Rabbi Cary Friedman, and it’s a great book for Law Enforcement Officers. It’s all about spiritual health, and Rabbi does a great job here. Your support of my work is what keeps projects like Luke coming forward!
Now, for the Gospel of Luke:
Now, a bit more commercialism: One of my most recent is The amazing Hood brothers’ SUB TALES 3. It’s pretty darned awesome and I know you’ll enjoy it if you like a good military story that’s the truth (as well as any of us remember it!) These books are well researched and some of my favorites to narrate.