This Is A Picture Of A Fish.

Well, actually there’s nothing there to show you. I have maintained my very long streak of catching not a darned thing while fishing.

My last recorded catch was in 1990. I might be wrong about that, it’s very likely my wife caught the actual fish, but I was there. Come to think of it, I’ve never caught a fish except with a net at the pet store.

This past week I joined my boss for a deep-sea fishing expedition. We went about 12 miles offshore, fairly shallow water (does that qualify as deep sea?) in the Gulf of Mexico. It was chilly out on the water until the sun painted us. But getting up at 0400 so I could make it to the boat on time was not fun. It reminded me of the Navy. It was a 0700 show for a 0800 go. One hour of sitting around. 

But it was a good break. I’ve been working on a couple of audio books the last month, and the devotional Rodger and I wrote finally published. I hadn’t had much of a break in months and needed it.

I’m back, real blogs to follow. I even have an inspiration for a gory story to share, but I have to carefully evaluate it before I publish it. Something about going to jail… Well, it is fiction.



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Joseph Courtemanche

About Joseph Courtemanche

I'm a conservative Christian author who's been happily married for over 30 years. I am a Veteran of the United States Navy, Naval Security Group. I speak a few languages, I have an absurd sense of humor and I'm proud to be an American.

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