We’re Gonna Blitz Through This.

So, it’s crazy time – 34 Santa events in 25 days. I’m starting to frazzle. 

And, we launched a big promo for the new audio book EMERGENCY DEEP and the links that Amazon gave me didn’t work. OOOOPS, Amazon?  They delayed the publication by 8 days, missing Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and now this debacle. It’s fixed, but lots of egg on our faces giving out promo codes that didn’t work. Not our fault, but the listeners don’t know that – which reminds me: the first five readers to ask for a free download in the comments will get one that works. The first one – let’s see who that is – will get a free audio book download for everything I’ve ever recorded on Audible. That’s a lot of hours of seeing what your tolerance level is! 

I’m throwing out a line that occurred to me as I witnessed a group of coworkers surrounding an authority figure a while ago: “He’s going to have to jump into the Mississippi to wash off all the stupid that’s going to stick to his skin after that bunch is through.”  Should tell you my mindset today.

Check out the schedule for my Santa appearances at www.santajoe.com if you’d like to get the picture of the year with your favorite author/Santa/lunatic. 


Finally, a bit of Christmas cheer: Joan Jett doing Little Drummer Boy


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