The return of Barkey Barkerson.

Some dogs bark. Some dogs bark a lot. Some dogs never bark for more than a moment.

But there is a special group of dogs in my life that have become known to me as “Barkey Barkerson” regardless of gender.

May I introduce to you Miss Barkey Barkerson 2013!

Woof. I say again, Woof.

We’re working on it. She seemed to discover her voice this past week. I have strong hopes that she will knock it off to a reasonable level once she’s more familiar with the house and the surroundings. Just in case, I’m already investigating the “Cone of Silence” from Get Smart.  Perhaps they make a mobile version.

Three is not the proper hour to wake up.

That goes for the morning and the afternoon.

Yesterday I had to do a voice over at two in the afternoon. Home from work, deal with barking units, hit bed. Get up 3 hours later with little sleep.

Record tracks in studio (really fun, great director who I’ve worked with before. 15 minutes in and out.)

Work on novel until 1800.

Wife/dinner/dog time until 2100.

Bed.  And back up 5 hours later.

So now it’s 0633, I’ve reviewed the contest rules, taken the migraine pills, fed the dogs, eaten a snack and I’m so tired I can barely keep my eyes open.

Back to bed for a few hours and then resume work on book.

This whole “author thing” is not as glamorous as the movies make it seem. Except perhaps “Lost Weekend” and “Misery.”

Later folks.

Edit. Edit. Edit. Edit.

Posting will be light the next few days. I’m 1/2 of the way through another edit of the book (with a new title as yet to be announced) so that it can get into the contests next week.

I’m not married to this darned thing, I’m sort of enslaved to it for the short term. But like all previous revisions after it’s marinated for a while, this one is much better. A helpful publisher aimed me in the direction of a book on self-editing when they rejected me (in a very nice way) a few months ago. That book is right on the money. I think I was guilty of every sin they mentioned in their work. Glad the publisher was honest enough to say I needed it!

So, I’ll probably do some dog photos or something to stretch the page out a bit. Here’s one to keep you amused.  She’s gone but not forgotten. Have a great day.

My old girl.

Satan hates my carpet.

Satan takes many forms and is known to possess beings for his own purposes. I have an abiding suspicion that he’s possessing Edzell’s bladder to keep me from going to church. Before you write me off as a crank, let me explain. If it’s not already too late.  Continue reading